5 things you should do while you're a CS student

This is a list of things I believe every Computer Science student should do while they are studying computer science. Everyone has a different background, but I still think that this is a good general list. If you're ahead of the curve, you might start doing these while you're in High school (or even earlier?)

  1. Run Linux full-time: Start by trying it on a bootable USB to get a feel for how it runs, then run it full time. If you don't run it full time, you'll feel like you can always go back to the old OS when things get a bit hard. But you have to get through the hard stuff to get a good understanding of how operating systems work. I started with Ubuntu on a USB stick, then started using Ubuntu as my main OS, then pretty soon, I moved to Arch Linux, and tried some different flavors of it. Running Linux taught me a lot of filesystem, bootloader, service managers etc.
  2. Try Vim: Try a different editor setup than you're used to. It will give you a good understanding of how code runs, gets formatted, linted, compiled etc. Modern editors do a lot for us, but I think it's good to get a look at how it all works behind the scenes. Using Vim forced me to use the command line too, which is a great way to learn how git works, how compilers work, how linters, LSPs, formatters work, how diffing works etc. Not only that, but non-normie keybindings (like Vim or emacs) are really easy to get used to and will keep making things easier for you throughout your life. I love all the stuff I learnt from Vim like vim macros, ability to select text objects that I want, moving stuff around, opening splits, marks, ability to go to specific point in code very fast.
  3. Respect your Teachers: It's easy to forget this, and think that they're all old people who don't know how the world works anymore. They're not familiar with the new technologies, or they're not moving with the times. Trust me, get off the high-horse, and recognize that they are trying to teach you smth valuable. So learn that, ask questions, do your assignments. Get a good GPA.
  4. Do a FYP that you love: Your FYP is smth that takes a lot of time, and resources. Make sure you make smth that you love. One of my regrets about my university life is that I didn't make an FYP that I loved. Don't make the same mistake, don't take the easy road, make smth difficult that will teach you lots, and will also impress others when you're hunting for jobs.
  5. Join lots of societies: Societies, Clubs, etc. are all great way to make friends and learn how to interact with people in a professional manner. The social experience that you get from these will help you a lot later in life. In my personal opinion, just the social experience you gain from going to university makes it a worthwhile investment. Granted that I didn't pay that much, I went to a highly subsidized public university. But going to a university taught me a lot about how to exist in a social setting.

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